Back in 2008, I had the opportunity to take on reinvention after 19 years in my former industry. I knew that there was another way to contribute, and express my passions. I embarked on a week‐long trip to Sedona, Arizona, hiking many miles of inspiring red rock trails. During that time, I got clear: I wanted to coach and support other leaders’ growth. After exhaustive research and due diligence, I chose one of the top coach training programs in the industry.
The combination of leading/mentoring others and taking on my own personal development has interested me as far back as I remember. As my career developed, I was also intrigued by all of the emerging research and data which confirmed something that I suspected: Who we are as leaders is a greater determiner of success than the knowledge we possess (see Daniel Goleman for more info on EQ vs. IQ). The desire to make a difference and impact other leaders in their development became a passion, and after a year of coach training, Canyon Bridge Consulting was created.
That vision I had in Sedona set into motion a complete career make‐over, allowing me to support other leaders and make a difference in their organizations. I’m grateful to have assembled a team of expert coaches, each with their own successful leadership backgrounds, to co‐create shifts in leaders’ performance.